Sunday 24 February 2013

Third day of filming


We aimed to be very concise with our filming, therefore we discussed beforehand what shots almost exactly we wanted to film, where (which place), with strong regards to continuity which I could see as being an issue in most films.
I also mentioned to the group prior to our filming that we should definitely be more precise with our choice of shots, and we all had a go on the camera, filming ,looking, adjusting the tripod and setting up the scene so we all had an active role in the filming process.
I had a few brainwaves whilst we were there of various shot ideas.
My main one was a shot of an older antique style clock within the café. The shot was established with a prominent purple border around it, and was lined up precisely to be framed central within the shot. The shot then slowly zoomed in (camera movement) at a steady pace which we accomplished using the tripod, with the diegetic low sound of the clock mechanisms ticking, then as the pendulum swings into place, the shot hits slow motion, and the diegetic sounds match the movements - similarly the movement of the camera (zoom) slows down.
Georgia then handily developed this by saying we could cross-fade to the clock in Emma's car to end the scene and to lead onto the next scene possibly with a sound bridge in place.

Emma Coulson, the Femme Fatale was wearing a white top, reflecting her innocence and showing a different side to her. Similarly, she has frequently been wearing scarves, and due to her character being one of mystery, and the plot the actors said themselves was 'very confusing' which was the effect we are going for. She also wore a red hoodie which connotates danger, as well as representing love and passion. We also had the Femme Fatale change into a grey hoodie showing a mix of black and white coming together, showing that she isn't a straight forward character and there's a lot more to her than meets the eye.

Another shot idea I had whilst we were filming was to film through the bars of the chair to create an isolated shot. As we didn't have a venetian blind type shot, I decided this could give a similar effect. The lighting was quite high key and lit the scene very well, therefore the shadows created by the bars of the chair. The framing of the chair got a very effective shot of Emma and James the main characters, implying that there is some sort of affair/infidelity going on. The framing of the shot was also slightly canted to disorientate the audience and make them wonder what's going on. We also made sure that Emma's make-up was lighter implying she had less to hide in this more comfortable setting.

Josh was wearing a black and white hoodie, implying that although he has a darker side, there is the possibility that he has a good side to him as well. This gave me the impression of a chequerboard which again relates to our 'taking in turns' Chess related underlying theme/story.

I had an idea of a low angle when Josh and Emma are sitting on the sofa to make a more disorientated and unnerving effect on the audience when they see Raymond the 'mastermind'. I said we should make the shot canted, as I realised via my reflection our lack of canted/dutch angle shots. I felt we needed to include some canted shots later also when we film our suveillance montage.
Emma filmed the establishing shot of the café which pans from the Church spire to the front of the café. At first we realised that the spire was slightly cut off, and second that James was standing at the counter doing nothing, with noone, not moving or talking, and this looked very unrealistic, so i suggested that we had a waitress or someone walk to speak to and intereact with James to make the shot look more realistic.

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