Thursday 7 February 2013

Double Indemnity (1944) Notes


- Silhouettes
- high angle - hiding identity
- smoking - cigarettes/cigars
- hat and coat outline - clothing convention
- old town car - iconography of period/era
- minor key orchestral music
- low key lighting in lift
- high key on face - illuminates important character
- Nightime - iconography of Film Noir
- Urban setting
- Streetlights - artificial light - hidden meaning - something about the plot/characters is fake
- 1938 era
- crossfade transition - cracked road
- flashback from confession - indication of daytime
- california - setting (hot) - in a lovely place - metaphorical for paradise
- venetian blinds - shadows - contrast n characters - seedy room
- black tie - authority
- old interior - 1930 style house
- low angle to high angle shot cutaway following footsteps
- long looks held between characters
- character speaks - camera doesn't always follow voice
- Femme Fatale - wearing a towel when first introduced, exposed, blonde - innocent, camera frames her to the right, pan up to reveal her
Archetypal - Blonde - innocent and dangerous
- shadow on wall as Neff leaves
- Neff sitting in car - back rolled round on screen
- low angle following him - pan
- venetian blinds - light and shaow, combining good and evil in characters
- frosted glass door shows silhouette
- cigars - smoked in office
- slick hair - sinister impression - waistcoats/suits - power/credible authority
- desk lamps - venetian blinds
- hat/coat stand
- offices - art deco (1920's) stylisation
- repetitive shot of ankles followed downstairs
- two shot on sofa - shows intimacy and closer bond
- drink under light - cast in shadow, mysterious
- painted nails - glamourous, wealthy, wellkept
- light on top of head 'angelic'
- white dress - ironic - black nature - foreboding
- later femme fatale wearing black - intentions clear - shift in power
- femme fatale - seductive long low shot - shows she's higher/more powerful
- sitting under light - motives haven't yet 'come to light'
- sharp angle of his face to hers
- husband goes upstairs with alcohol - themes of abandonment
- Femme - greed - wants more money - temptation but ultimately fatalism
- daughter in Neff car -femme's daughter reflects her mothers personality
- mid shot of car leaving 
- diagetic gravel crunch - convention of Noir - rough unsteady terrain
- streetlights reflect in windows of streets - weakness in plan
- neon light of street shots - busy city - convention of Noir setting
- black/dark suit - authority/money/corrupt intentions
- daughter following similar path to mother - with a boy who doesn't care about her
- shadow of coat hoot/hat stand
- pale blank walls - no colour or art/photos
- fedora hat - iconography of Noir detectives
- hurried/rushed phone call - narrative reveals more of story
- femme - wearing black - urgent phone call - greed - desperation narrative themes
- voiceover - match on action with what's happening - commentary
- venetian blinds on train
- sexist - 1930s stereotype - she can't start car, so Neff does it for her
- murder at nighttime - 'under the cover of darkness'
- shadow up stairs shows path walking
- eagle in background - mise en scene - prey/predator
- leather seats - wealth - linked to office interior of Keyes - shows characters are linked throughout story
- venetian blinds in office - going to reveal the truth
- expensive - filigree desk - wooden - marble fireplace
- femme fatale - black hat - mourning
- connotation on Boss - death
- low non diagetic sound as he opens doors to Keyes - building tension
- smoking cigarettes and cigars - iconography of police in Noirs
- suspense - high frequency minor key non diagetic music
- darkened deep shot corridors
- rushed meetings - sharp/harsh words
- pity and sympathy felt for Femme - loveless marriage, then less as revealed she wants husband dead, and further less when daughter reveals femme was nurse when her mother was 'ill'.
- venetian blinds constant - Neff and Keyes are talking about what happened on train - exposing truth - plan falling apart
- Fedora - higher class - more money job
- Neff has wider brimmed hat - Jackson is represented as lower class with less money
- Femme - when plan coming unravelled she's wearing white top - pure/hiding evil - as well as black glasses, hiding or covering up her true emotions.
- "straight down the line" - obsessive nature - negative tendencies
- smoking when Neff character is relaxed
- corruption - blaming someone else - lies and deceit - narrative theme
- Neff 'wedding band' on finger - adultery - narrative theme of sex
- venetian blinds cast shadow over Neff when looking through Keyes files
- dark suit and tie - authority - worn everyday 'professional'
- femme home alone - venetian blinds show 'shady'/evil actions
- quiet radio non diagetic music - early 1930 style 
- gunshot diagetic kills both detective and femme - convention of Noir

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