Sunday 3 March 2013

Personal Filming

I had the idea of filming the sunrise, as I noticed within the Noir genre, there is a clear divide between the seedy atmosphere of the nighttime, and simultaneously the redeeming daytime. I felt that a simple image of a sun's rays breaking the horizon from the hills where I live would be a magical moment to include within the film and would meet another convention of the Noir genre.
I woke at 5.30 to film the sunrise expected at 6.44. Unfortunately the day was overcast, so I missed the shot, however I ran the idea past the group as to whether we needed some establishing shots. The group were unable to meet and film, so I borrowed Emma's HD Video Camera to film some various shots. These included an artistic shot along the bars of the fence, as well as a stationary shot of an old barn amidst a frosty field. This could be incorporated before the scouthut scenes where the gang are introduced, as a shot of a scout hut may not be ideal as it doesn't hold any original connotations and conventions of the Noir genre, therefore I feel that this shot of the old barn would be more suited as it creates a more seedy isolated atmosphere, creating a foreboding around the gang and leading the audience to believe that they aren't to be trusted.
Another shot I managed to shoot was of a car driving down a road from round a corner. You can hear the engine and the cars lights curve into view which is another classic convention of Noir which hopefully when I show my group, they will want to incorporate.

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